Writing and Media

Writing Samples:

When They Act Like Their God Is Bigger, Lilith Magazine, 2022

5 Tips for Civic Dialogue in an Online World, Facing History, 2017

The War on Fake News is a Danger to Us All, The Establishment, 2017

‘T’ Is For The Troubling Changes On ‘Sesame Street’, The Establishment, 2016

Various Parenting and Media Articles, Kveller, 2017

How Participatory Action Research Can Promote Social Change and Help Youth Development, Harvard/Born This Way Foundation, 2012

Press and Media Mentions:

Walsh, Joan. “On Sex Ed, “Our Side” Is Finally Fighting Back.” The Nation, 4/24/24.

Garrity, Kelly and Lisa Kashinsky. “Progressive progress on the ballot.” Politico, 11/6/23.

Infante, Victor. “Tiny Rewind Video may land big role in local journalism’s future.” Worcester Magazine, 10/13/23.

McNamara, Neal. “New Release: Worcester Video Store, Community Media Center Opening.” Patch, 7/25/23.

Walsh, Joan. “The Backlash Against Sex Ed.” The Nation Magazine, 6/15/22.

Bader, Eleanor. “Teachers Nationwide Want to Reduce Class Sizes for More Reasons Than COVID.” Truthout, 10/13/22.

Hill, Marta. “Massachusetts Education Justice Alliance calls for in-school vaccination program, among other measures.” Boston Globe, 1/20/22.

CBS Boston. “Parents Group Says New School COVID Testing Plan Will Only Put More Burden On Massachusetts Families.” CBS News, 1/19/22.

Infante, Victor. “Are You Ok is the most important question we can ask right now.” Worcester Magazine, 1/6/22.

McNamara, Neal. “Progressives See Big Win In Worcester 2021 Election.” Patch, 11/3/21.

Lipkin, Michael. “There’s not enough internet for remote learning to go around.” Marketplace, Minnesota Public Radio, 10/19/20.

Shaner, Bill. “Mutual Aid Worcester helps Worcesterites help each other.” Worcester Magazine, 3/17/20.

O’Connell, Scott. “Put to the Test: As MCAS overload frustrates families and teachers, alternatives being sought.” Worcester Telegram and Gazette, 8/23/19.

Caplan-Bricker, Nora. “Inside Worcester’s Development: What’s the Catch?” Boston Magazine, 4/17/18.

CityLine. “Transformative Culture Project seeks to engage young people and communities across media, culture and beyond.” WCVB, 10/13/17.

Larson, Sandra. “Epicenter, TCP join forces. Merger aims to create pipeline to creative economy.” Bay State Banner, 10/25/17.

O’Connell, Scott. “College leaders, students voice support for students here illegally.” Worcester Telegram and Gazette, 12/19/16.

Tripp, Stephanie. “From TVTV to YouTube: A Genealogy of Participatory Practices in Video.” Journal of Film and Video, vol. 64 no. 1, 2012, p. 5-16.

Feldt, Gloria. No Excuses: Nine Ways Women Can Change How We Think about Power: Tools for Leading an Unlimited Life. Seal Press, 2012.