
Project Learn

Project LEARN is a 501(c)(3) organization that believes every young person in Lowell deserves the opportunity to learn, succeed, and thrive.

In summer 2021, Cara worked with the Board and Executive Team at Project Learn in Lowell, MA on refining and planning for their new Youth Innovation Space, as well as strategic planning guidance on relevant staffing, partner, and program needs. Through interviews, site visits, and reports, Cara developed critical infrastructure for the expansion and continues to support Ad-hoc through coaching.


With a small, dynamic team, Project LEARN was at a critical inflection point. With several successful projects ongoing, a short-term Project Director to support this build out was vital to a successful implementation. Working closely with the Executive Director and Project LEARN team, Dr. Cara Berg Powers, in the capacity of Project Director worked to develop a comprehensive development, staffing, and programming plan for a new Youth Innovation Space in downtown Lowell. As a veteran Executive Director, an educator, and a systems strategist, Cara engaged various stakeholders and identify promising practices from similar programs to lay out a strategy for the Project LEARN team to launch this exciting new space.


Interviews, Site Visits, Collateral Development, Meeting Support, Strategic Planning

Project Learn

Strategic Planning

Summer 2021

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